Contact Us

Our Locations


9460 140 Street
Surrey, BC  V3V 5Z4
Days: Monday – Friday (closed statutory holidays)
8:00am to 5:00pm
604-583-5113 (Referrals)
604-583-6775 (Reports, report requests)


Newton Early Years Hub
204 – 7327 137 Street
Surrey, BC V3W 1A4
Phone: 604-619-9488




#102- 20641 Logan Avenue
Langley, BC  V3A 7R3
Days: Monday – Friday (closed statutory holidays)
8:30am to 4:30pm
Fax: 604-533-3062

Delta- Lookout

11405 84 Avenue
Delta, BC V4C 2L9
Days: Monday – Friday (closed statutory holidays)
8:30am to 3:30pm
Fax: 604-594-0585

Email Us

The Centre:
Early Years Hub:
Sophie’s Place:

Request Reports

To request reports, please send a fax to 604-583-6775 indicating:

  • client details (name, date of birth)
  • type of reports being requested
  • fax number or mailing address to send reports

Please ensure a consent to release information form, signed by the guardian within the last year, is included.

Your request will be processed as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Support our Work

You can donate online or to discuss giving options, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Judy Mann– Vice President, Child Development Foundation of BC
Tel: 604-587-4276

Sign Me Up!

Keep up to date with all the news about our exciting annual fundraising events!

Suggestions Welcome

Please let us know how we can make The Centre even better.

Suggestion Box

Our Approach

The F-words emphasize your child's strengths, interests and your family's values. They remind us to focus on what children CAN do.

They highlight the importance of all the elements of a child's health and well-being, including social relationships and meaningful participation at home, in school, childcare and in the community.


Based on research & built on the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Framework.
  • Kids live & thrive with their families
  • The family is the expert on the child
  • What activities do you want to do together?
  • How can our team help your child participate fully in those experiences?
  • Fun is an essential part of childhood
  • What activities does your child enjoy most?
  • What activities would your child like to try?
  • Building supportive friendships & positive social relationships are important for all children
  • Talk about the social connections in your child's life so our team can help you grow those relationships
  • Function = the ability to do an activity with or without support
  • Do activities without focusing on the outcome
  • Talk about how your child plays and functions in daily life
  • Health is related to staying physically & mentally fit
  • What makes it easy or hard for your child to become and stay active & healthy?
  • Child development = keeping your child's future in view
  • What are your family and child's dreams?
  • What are your expectations about the future?

Therapy, care and support under one umbrella

We provide outpatient medical rehabilitation services to help children reach their potential.


Help support the work we do!