
Our Physiotherapy services help children with rolling, sitting, standing, walking and other gross motor skills
Our physiotherapists work with families and caregivers to help children and youth maximize their gross motor potential to be as independent as possible in all environments.
Our goal is to empower children and families, identifying and supporting each child’s unique strengths and abilities.
What do we help with?
- Infants/children reaching developmental gross motor milestones (rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking)
- Balance, walking, running
- Muscle weakness, decreased flexibility
- Coordination concerns (ball skills, climbing)
- Specialized equipment selection and adaptation (wheelchair, walker, stander, splinting and orthotics)
- Support participation in community recreation programs
- Collaboration with Children’s and Surrey Memorial Hospitals, and other community programs for post-operative protocols and hip surveillance program
- PT school consultation (Surrey, Langley & Delta school districts)
Service Provision
Services are play based, with activities that are fun and purposeful, maximizing function.
Physiotherapy support can include:
- Home exercise programs
- Parent education
- Recommendations for play or recreational activities
- Participation in specific group or individual sessions

Sometimes specialized equipment like walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, or orthotics are used to assist children with a physical skill, to increase comfort, or to prevent deformities.
Services or suggestions provided will depend on some of the following:
- Your child’s skills or difficulties related to movement
- Your hopes related to your child’s movement, and any specific requests from your child if they are able to express their desires
- Your child’s muscular strength, range of motion, muscle tone and other physical findings
- Your child’s developmental level
- Whether your child attends school, preschool, recreational activities or other programs
- The potential benefit of any specialized equipment for your child.
Who’s eligible?
- Children ages 0-19 living in Surrey, Delta, White Rock or Langley with developmental delays:
- coordination challenges, gross motor delays and/or conditions like cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscle disease or orthopedic conditions
- School services are coordinated through each school district and may vary from the services described here. Please contact your child’s school principal or integration support teacher for more information.
Prepare for Your Visit
Check out the Your Visit page for details about parking, what to expect, what to prepare and information about our facilities.
Our Approach
The F-words emphasize your child's strengths, interests and your family's values. They remind us to focus on what children CAN do.
They highlight the importance of all the elements of a child's health and well-being, including social relationships and meaningful participation at home, in school, childcare and in the community.
Based on research & built on the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Framework.
- Kids live & thrive with their families
- The family is the expert on the child
- What activities do you want to do together?
- How can our team help your child participate fully in those experiences?
- Fun is an essential part of childhood
- What activities does your child enjoy most?
- What activities would your child like to try?
- Building supportive friendships & positive social relationships are important for all children
- Talk about the social connections in your child's life so our team can help you grow those relationships
- Function = the ability to do an activity with or without support
- Do activities without focusing on the outcome
- Talk about how your child plays and functions in daily life
- Health is related to staying physically & mentally fit
- What makes it easy or hard for your child to become and stay active & healthy?
- Child development = keeping your child's future in view
- What are your family and child's dreams?
- What are your expectations about the future?
Questions about our services? Have questions about our online referral or PDF referral form? We're happy to help!
Call us at 604-584-1361 or send us an email.
Therapy, care and support under one umbrella
We provide outpatient medical rehabilitation services to help children reach their potential.