Sophie's Place

Prepare for Your Visit


Prepare for Your Visit

What to Expect

You will be contacted by one of our team to set up an interview date and time.

  • When you arrive for your interview, please park anywhere in the parking lot (free parking).
  • Come into the main entrance of the building, by the roundabout driveway.
  • Let the front desk know that you’re here to meet with the Sophie’s Place team.

We’ll bring you up to Sophie’s Place, where you’ll meet our team!

We’re here to help you tell your story in a way that’s supportive and in a place that makes you feel safe.

We can give you information on what to expect next, and helpful resources.

We’re here to help you on your healing journey.

Therapy, care and support under one umbrella

We provide outpatient medical rehabilitation services to help children reach their potential.


Help support the work we do!